So after all my jewelry inventory for the summer shows was stolen from our truck on the way back to our summer home, I have been bummed! I didn't know where to start, where to begin really, in making new items. I had no motivation, no drive, no incentives to make more inventory. Wow, what a number some thieves did on us. They got all our motorcycle gear as well. But when thieves steal your hard work, sweat and tears, you have to dig real deep to find the stuff they talk about in books and movies. First you have to let go of the hurt, and loss, then you hope you can find a way to get motivated again to create some beautiful pieces. That's where true friendship comes in. I have a friend in Victoria, BC, Jill Rockwell, that came over for three days a week ago, and is now back for three days, to help me get out of my clouded head, and design. So many of you have sent the warmest messages, I truly appreciate the kind words and thoughts. I haven't had a loss of this type before, and didn't expect it to take so long to pull myself out of the haze. But I'm understanding more about trauma, it is real, that haze stuff, believe me. You can't tell your brain to design, it has to come from the heart. I don't think I really understood that before.
So from the heart, new and better pieces are developing. I recently learned to etch from Stephanie Lee, and am using that repeatedly. It is such a wonderful method for preparing metals, and you get the most rich and delicious looks from it. I have always wanted to try a hinged bracelet, since I learned the technique from Susan Lenart Kazmer, so today I did it. This is especially rewarding today, because I was able to think it, feel it, and complete the project. I could not do this two weeks ago! Having the drive and inspiration back is a total result of kindness and support from friends. So thank you friends. You mean the world to me.
Now back to work, I feel another bracelet coming on!!