I've been TAGGGGGGGED...
by my new friend Katherine Witherall. So now I have a million questions I'm supposed to answer on my blog. I'm going to take a stab at it. Being fairly new to blogging, I'm going to do my best to be brief, creative and hopefully interesting! Ha ha. So here goes.
What is your current obsession? Since taking a class from Stephanie Lee last spring, I can honestly say it is etching! Just love the effect. She is a talented and giving teacher. Just love you Steph!
What is your weirdest obsession? Right now, strangely for me, it is eating! I had a tough trip back to the northwest for the summer from our winter home. We got robbed! So all I've wanted to do is eat, and all the wrong things. I've put on some pounds, and feel pretty lousy, so I intend to take control again, immediately! Walks are overdue.
What would you eat for your last meal? So easy, Thai food.
What are you wearing today? I'm actually cleaned up, with capris, T-shirt, sandals. Even combed my hair and washed my face, (had customers over I admit).

What is the last thing you bought? After my last show for the summer, I splurged. Bought a couple tops, and a new pair of Birkenstocks (the dogs in the neighborhood got one of my favorite pair).
What are you listening to right now? A tv show, BBC, stupid one.
What is your favorite ice cream flavor? By far, coconut gelato.
What do you think of the person who tagged you? I just met Katherine recently at an Art & Soul retreat. I liked her immediately. She is funny, nice, tactful, and honest. Someone you can have a meaningful and intelligent conversation with, plus I love her work.
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished, anywhere in the world, where would that be? After taking the trip of a lifetime, with my friends Shelley and Jill, to France last September, it would be in southern France for sure. I loved everything about the trip, but mostly being with great friends.
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would that be? If it didn't have to be modern times, I would like to experience a French burlesque, or show, in the late 1800's. But just for an hour!
What language would you like to learn? I always wanted to learn French, and took lessons before my trip to France last year. Love the language! I tried using it in France, they just stared at me, then asked if anyone spoke English. Hmmm, more lessons!
What is your favorite color? Oh, I love blues, almost all blues, any hue of blue, especially teals.
What is your favorite piece of clothing? I am a total shoe whore. It's true.
Favorite TV show? Ok, I could be really honest here and admit to watching All My Children, or tell you something like Bill Moyers interviews. It's a toss up!
If you have $100 right now, what would you spend it on? I might give half to the Heifer Organization for a few goats, then buy a pair of shoes with the rest!
What is your favorite artist? This question just isn't fair. I have so many talented people I follow and admire. I can't list just one. Celie Fago, Stephanie Lee, Nina Bagley, Judy Wilkenfeld, Jen Crossley, Katherine Witherall, just to name a few. And friends like Diana Frey Jill Rockwell, Stephanie Gorman and Diane Cook are favorites as well.
What is your favorite season? I would have to say Fall in France! The colors are starting to show, the smells, just beautiful.
Describe your personal style? While a profession executive, clothes, hair and makeup were of the utmost importance. Since retiring from the "professional" life, not so much. Relaxed, comfortable and casual best describes me now, and sometimes I forget to comb my hair, living out here in the woods in the summer! Quite a switch. I like it.
What is your favorite movie? Waking Ned Divine, if you haven't seen it, rent it!
What inspires you? Nature really. The inconsistency of balance. Taking workshops. Learning new techniques.
What music do you like this week? Marc Anthony brings me to tears!
What is your dream job? I'm doing it. Teaching, making jewelry. I'm a happy camper.
If you can change something in the world to make it a better place, what would that be? I can't change what I would like to, like BIG things. But I know I can affect other's lives in a positive way, that's important to me.
If you could change anything about you, what would that be? I would have longer legs, so I could reach the upper shelves in the kitchen, and not have to hem every pair of pants! I would be less hard on myself, and remember to enjoy each moment of everyday more. It could be my last.
What do you need? My husband, my dog, and creative opportunity. Freedom from demands is a pretty wonderful thing as well, let's the creative juices flow.
What blocks you from trying something new? My own fear of failure I guess. It is so easy to continue to do what you know, less rejection. But not as much fun.
Those are all the questions. I added the last one. So here are the rules:
1) respond and rework; answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with one of your invention, add one more question of your own. 2) tag four other
people, and if you're interested in participating, I am tagging you!