Our Voyage Home
The California to Washington State trek
Home again, home again. Ah yes, when the temperature starts with a six, in our home state of Washington, that's the time we load up the buggy and bikes (motorcyles), and begin the voyage north, up I-5. It is normally a race to see how many hours we can knock off the trip, which is normally about 2 1/2 days. But like I said in the last post, we spent an extra day in Ashland, OR, heaven on earth.
I took a few shots to share. Here's WH loading up the truck with Riki's workshop stuff, a few clothes, golf clubs and of course, my Vespa, Mia, and his Suzuki. Its a kick to ride around our islands on the bikes. I'll miss the windy vineyards of Central Coast California, but we'll be back in no time.

This is a picture of WH and me, along this amazing stream trail, that runs for miles, down the center of Ashland, OR. The sights are a feast for the eyes, the intense evergreen smells are a reminder of being back in the northwest woods.

A beautiful scene along the groomed trails. I can picture the American Indians living here, along the stream, fishing for their needs. Living off the land, taking only what they need.

And of course we did cocktails and dinner along the stream. The temperature was so comfortable, no coats. It was the perfect place to spend one extra day. And of course I had to go shopping, so I found the greatest boutique clothing store called 250 Main. I bought a ton of amazing, cutting edge, some european clothing. And after explaining what I create, the owner asked to see my wares. So I went back to the hotel room, loaded them up, and high tailed it back to her beautiful shop. We struck a deal, and you can now find some pieces there. So if you're in the area, swing in and take a look, after your lunch by the creek!

Then the next night, while in Tumwater, Washington, we devised a way to do the etched box drawing! I told you we used a coffee pot, hey, you use what you have, right? And that's when lucy Studio Sylvia from Australia won the contest. Again, congrats Sylvia! I have it packaged, and will try to mail it tomorrow!

It's great to be back at the cabin in the woods on our little island. I'll get some pics of it and post about our sweet paradise, "Schumacher Camp" as visiting friends call it. I wish you could all visit, we would build you a campfire, and roast some marshmallows, after a fun day of walking trails, making jewelry, and watching the deer drift through quietly.
Everything is perfect here except for the empty little doggie beds. I can feel Chester's presence, see him happy and running to mark every corner of the property, scouting for deer smells, running from bees getting too close. He is here in spirit, we envision his wagging tail and smiling face, as he plays hard at catch, then cools in the lush green grass.
There's no place like home Toto.