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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Grateful Living


I would love to share some news about a lovely new blog that my friend, Molly Alexander started recently.  It is called "Grateful Living".  I hand so honored that I am a contributor to this blog.  She has invited a number of ladies to participate, to share their thoughts, feelings, and passions or anything that inspires them about grateful living.

Now isn't this a great idea?  We all need a little inspiration, insight, thoughtfulness or just plain beautiful writing to get your day started, or to finish it off.

Each time I visit and read about a contributing writer, I learn a little more about that person than I did before.  

Please stop by and visit when you can, it is so uplifting.  I really think you will agree.

And she posted my first contribution this week.  
Here is the link.

I added her button on my sidebar so you can go take in a little grateful living anytime you like.  Feel free to post the button on your blog as well.

It just feels good!

Happy weekend everyone.
Thinking of you.


In the Light of the Moon said...

I stopped by Diane's earlier and became overwhelmed watching the video again.Molly has created a beautiful blog and I am so thankful to visit it!!Hugs Friend,Cat

Gaby Bee said...

I'm off to visit her blog!

Sueann said...

Off to peek!! Thanks

mairedodd said...

it was a beautiful idea that molly had... i really love this blog (and yours!)

Anonymous said...

I've been feeling grateful today and loved seeing your friend's blog about living a grateful life. What a great inspiration! And yep, nothing like our friends, our tribe, to make that life even more wonderful :)

Cheers to you, dahling friend!!


Cindy said...

I've enjoyed reading everyone's Grateful Living posts as time allows. Molly truly found an a wonderful idea - a real beacon of inspiration in our blogging community.

Anonymous said...

I stopped by Diane's earlier and became overwhelmed watching the video again.Molly has created a beautiful blog and I am so thankful to visit it!!Hugs Friend,Cat.
Thanks for sharing with us.

Sterling Silver Jewelry

Charlene said...

Hey girl! Just thinking of the great event you & Diana are going to do for us in February. I can't thank you both enough. I WANT THAT CLASS SO BADLY! And I want time with you, Diana & Susan (Sandy & Joy too of course). I can't wait. Friends are what makes it extra special like you said in your piece you contributed for the Grateful Living Post. HUGS!
Did you see Elle in the post about the sunset? How's Maddie? Elle sends kisses.

suziqu's thread works said...

Hi Riki What a truly wonderful blog "Grateful Living"is - no one need feel lonely out there with so much support given by gorgeous bloggers all over the globe and, of course, to start the day with so much gratitude for living is a most positive thing in helping our creativity! Friends are our inspiration and support in every way and you only have them because you have shown gratitude to them.
Have a wonderful day my friend and thanks for leaving such a gorgeous response about my journal on my blog.
Love and hugs,

VS said...

So perfect for the upcoming holiday & something I've been trying to do alot more of these days!!!
Sounds wonderful friend...