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Friday, October 26, 2012

A Snap shot of Europe 2012

What can I say, but tres bien!

I went, I shopped, I ate, I toured, I laughed, I ate (oh yeah, said that), I drank, I saw handsome everything....
I have over a thousand photos, so here's a few!

some goodies from the flea marketing in France and Italy
 another view of my finds...
 sooooo much fun!
 we reunited with friends in Florence.
That's Jill Rockwell from Canada, and Sharlene Wall from Florida.
So much fun girls.
And my two traveling companions, Lurline and Fidela.
 parades in Florence...
 more eating in Florence...that's a vegetarian platter, yum!
 Orvieto, Italy
looking out of a museum window, on to the landscape, and the Duomo
 I think the Vatican...
 from Paris, a bus ride away to an Etruscan city, Fiesole...
 Orvieto, Italy alleyway...
 flea marketing in Florence...
 yes, the colosseum, Rome, Italy...
 Borghese Palace, Rome
 the Pantheon, Rome, where the artist Raphael was buried...
 the Vatican, outside...
 of course her highness, Miss Eiffel...
 and Maddie waiting for me to get back, pack up and head south for the winter!

I'll try to post more another time!
Getting ready to teach in Los Angeles next weekend, and still unpacking.  Finally getting over  a cold/flu from the long three week trip....worth it!!

Hope you are well. Drop a line.
love to all,


Caterina Giglio said...

fabulous pics, Riki, I love it all, and looks like a great time! xx

In the Light of the Moon said...

Oh drool drool drool!! Everything looks A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!! I just wish I could have fit in that suitcase of yours...wow...I bet you said that a lot...wow..woww..WOWWWW!!
Big Hugs Momma!! xoxo

www.gypsywillowsatmainst.com said...

Wow thank-you for sharing you looked as if you were having an awesome time I love your treasures they are ever so awesome stay warm, Huggs Tracy

Thoughtfulhands said...

All I can say is W-O-W!!!

I hope you bring some of your favorite finds so we can see them in person next weekend...

Cecile Nichols said...

Woohoo! Great photos! Looks like you had a great time--how could you not, right? I'd love to sit back and have that platter of antipasti and a large glass of dry white wine. Heaven! I look forward to more photos, Riki! Cecile

Monica said...

Ciao Riki! Ho scoperto stasera il tuo blog, è davvero bellissimo, complimenti!!!! Bravissima!!!!

Denise said...

Wonderful for you and friends.How lovely were the photos.So exciting! I would love that to happen to Me. Denise from Coffeeberry Cottage

Chris said...

What lovely lovely photos! I'm glad that you shared these with us. You look like you are having the best time ever~great food, wonderful friends, amazing architecture~Italy! Paris! Wow!

suziqu's thread works said...

Wow! Wonderful journey! Wonderful friends! and Wonderful finds!
In fact absolutely gorgeous finds!
x Suzy

Christine said...

Beautiful photos and amazing finds - love the European tour!!

Cyndi J said...

Lucky duck! What a haul of fabulousness you brought back. Look like you had a grand time.

connie said...

what a fabulous time you had!!! can not wait to hear and see all those photos!! love your vintage finds... xo

Cindy said...

Riki, I enjoyed seeing a few snippets on FB while you were away, but this really is amazing - just a glimpse in to your European Tour 2012 scrapbook! Oh my goodness, and what a shot you open the post with - just look at all of those gilded treasures!!! Talk about leaving me breathless with all of those incredible finds! :-) What a selection of hand-picked goodies that came home with you. And all of those famous stops in France and Italy - so wonderful that you were able to take them in, and with friends too! I'm fortunate to have been to those places myself while living in Germany and later while my brother was stationed in Italy. Would love to go back one day....... a girl can dream!

Sandra said...

Wonderful photos. Looks like you had a great time!

Jen Crossley said...

what wonderful photos and those goodies wow Im dieing here LOL

Katalina Jewelry said...

Orvieto was one of my favorite places in Italy. It's such a cute little village! And the Villa Borghese was awesome too with all the Bernini statues, incredible frescos and of course the huge park like setting in the middle of busy Rome. Did you go to the Academia to see the David while in Florence? That was my all time favorite statue of all. I loved looking at these travel photos Riki! Thanks for sharing your fabulous flea market finds...can't wait to see the gorgeous jewelry you create with them!

CraftyHope said...

Thanks for sharing some of your adventures and finds. It looks like it was an amazing trip!

Anonymous said...

OMG Riki! It looks like that was one fabulous trip! And, all those new treasures just waiting to become one of your fabulous pieces of jewelry! *sigh*

I just had to pop in to say hello and finally tell you just how much I love your work and what an inspiration you are to me in my art!

Thanks for being such a generous artist sharing techniques and ideas...
Beth P