Sisters are a beautiful thing
My older sister just had a "biggey" birthday. It was important to me present her with something very special this year. She's had a hard year, like so many of us at this time. She's worked her tail off, taken classes to improve her opportunities in business (yes, even at her age), and driven huge amounts of miles all over the Los Angeles area for the opportunity to make a sale in the housing industry, which she is new at. In other words, I love her dearly and wanted to bring a smile to her face, and hopefully a laugh.
I was successful! After seeing the fabulous projects that a dear "art sister" of mine, Diane Cook, and a blogging friend of hers, Colette Copeland, put together for an article in the recent Winter 2010 Belle Armoire Jewelry, called the "The Art of Presentation": Sisterhood", I WAS HOOKED. The timing couldn't have been better for me to see this article. I knew I had to package my gift of a new cuff in some way special for this birthday. She deserved it! So I took the magazine over to a dear "art sister's" house, Diana Frey, and the two of us brainstormed some designs. I haven't been near a sewing machine since the 80's, really. But somehow, that all comes back to you, like riding a bike I guess. We took a high school picture of my sister's and put it on photo transfer paper for fabric, found at Michaels. I brought tidbits of fabrics and scraps I had, and Diana went to her magical drawers, pulling out some darling accents. Then I just whipped this baby up, in about four hours!! I know the next one will take an hour, but like I said, I haven't sewn in a million years, thus the time spent!

It was all worth it. My sister, Kami, held the little bundle of hand made paper, tied with a wide silk ribbon, and slowly began unwrapping. She held up the little fabric bag with her picture on the front, kind of squinted, asked "is that me?", then we handed her some reading glasses, and she started laughing! It was successful, my work here is done! She didn't remember the picture, and we got a big laugh out of that as well. Oh, she loved what was inside as well. So thank you to all my art sisters help on this one. Couldn't have done it without Colette, Diane and Diana.