Words in print!
After years of admiring so many talented artists in Belle Armoire magazine, and currently Belle Armoire Jewelry, and enjoying their written word and clever pieces, I finally mustered up enough courage to write and submit.
Well...guess what? VOILA!
Yes, it's true, they chose to publish one of my articles. I can't tell you how thrilling it is to see your name in print, and in such a styling magazine to boot. I got a lot of encouragement and support from my bestest art sisters, to just put it out there. Guess this is a year for that...just put it out there! The magazine was generous enough to give me a six page spread, wow. What an amazing job they do.

But, I have to brag about some of my friends who are in this issue as well. Diana Frey has a lovely article about some fun pearl and metal pieces, just stunning Diana. She even tells you how to make them. Check out that article, and go to her website for amazing eye candy. I am lucky enough to team teach with Diana. We do some very fun workshops together here at my home, the next one is in April (almost full guys) and then will be going to LA to teach together in May, at Inspirational Retreat. Info is on my blog.
We leave in the wee hours on Monday morning to go teach our separate classes at Adorn Me in Houston. I'm looking forward to the trip with a great friend (she's really organized and brings great snacks)!

And in the same issue is a beautiful article by my blogging buddy Jessica Moreau-Berry. She made some incredible necklaces using metal flowers and crystals. Just gorgeous Jessica. Congrats on being published, again!

So try to pick up a copy of the local Belle Armoire Jewelry if you can, enjoy the articles, and see all the talented artists in this issue. The featured artist is the talented Stephanie Lee, an amazing mentor and friend. She is so talented, and wise beyond her years. I took part her on-line journaling course...twice. She is a fabulous coach and cheerleader, and has an ability to put life's experiences in such a pleasant and calming manner.
Thanks for looking!!
Riki, congratulations! Your jewelry is fabulous, and it deserves to be in print.
I'll have to go buy this issue.
How wonderful for you...I dream of such a day...I make jewelry as well and have just started a blog on Feb.13th..what a learning curve..enjoying it all..you are so talented...I would love to take one of your classes when you are in the Long Beach area..Warm Regards, Cynthia Wolff
Congratulations!!!!!!!!! What a thrill & honor (which you so deserve) to be in that magazine. SOMEDAY I want to do that too. In the meantime... classes classes classes... Well, I'll get 4 under my belt at ADORN ME (& I had one in JAN & one in FEB so I'm trying really hard!). I feel so honored to have Diana & Diane as friends already & feel like I know you but, can't wait to hug you in person Monday! You guys save some of those snacks! My roommate is Melissa Manley so I think we should all make for great company. Again on the magazine I am thrilled for you. Your hard work paid off!!!!! Hugs! Charlene
I saw your article today!! CONGRATS!!! What big news...you must be SO proud! Now you've joined the ranks of your art sisters, Diane and Diana. Your article and jewelry are fabulous...can't wait to go back and look at them again. :-)
I can't wait to get my issue. You and Diana Frey are such talented ladies. That's great to see you both in the same issue. Hugs!
Biggest congrat's to you Riki!! Your jewelry is so divine and so deserving...I can't wait to see it!! Biggest hugs!
beautiful work riki! exciting you and your friends in one issue, pretty special!!
Oh how exciting Riki!! That is so super! Your work is so fabulous of course they jumped at the chance to feature it!!
Looking forward to May
Bravo Riki for being published, that is surely one of the greatest moment a talented designer like you, can live, and it is justice. Your work is so beautiful, creative and inventive.
France is waiting for you my Dear !
Congratulations! I just finished my fourth article for Sew Somerset and no matter how many pubs you get it is still a thrill to see your work in print! and you deserve it, your work is awesome!!
Hats off to you!! How exciting it must be to see your projects in print! Can't wait to pick up this issue...it's really a fabulous magazine. I pour over back issues time and time again.
Good morning!! Thank you, thank you so much for your encouraging words..They were the first thing I read this morning after a night of feeling alot of self doubt and wondering why I think I could possibly be any good at anything..I compare myself to other peoples beautiful work and feel so inadequate..but what should I except...I've been blogging for 3 weeks and making jewelry for a little over a year! I shall keep following you and your beautiful work..Warmest Regards, Cynthia Wolff
Hi Cynthia, I want to share with you that EVERYONE has self doubt, I have a ton of it. That doesn't go away, so just know you aren't alone. We are all living with our demons from our past, and have all had an earful of doubt, either from within, or outside sources. I have been making jewelry since I retired from a "job", about 12 years ago. Huge amounts of self-doubt was there, always. But one day at a time, one creation at a time, and you will find your wings. Then all you have to do is breathe, fly and soar. You can do it. Hugs to all reading, Riki
Tears in my eyes...thank you.
Wow! A six page spread is quite something Riki! Congratulations...you really deserve this one my friend =)
Can't wait to get my issue and read all your great tutorials!
RIKI DARLING! I saw you, I saw you!!! HURRAY for you!! It is a fabulous artcile and I read every little bit of it!!!
KEEP ON submitting girl!!!!!
I have A LOT going on right now, and I haven't even had time to blog about this issue yet.... will keep you all posted on the new going-ons soon!!
Congrats..how exciting!!!Bravo to you!!Warmest Regards,Cat
congratulations!I have been reading your blog for a while nog and I love, love, love your work
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!! OH YE OF LITTLE FAITH... It was there all the time all you had to do was spread your wings, lift your head, catch the prevailing breeze, close your eyes and take that one frightening step to SOAR!!!!! Enjoy the praise you have surely earned it dear little Sister!! :)
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.
Congrats Riki, I received my copy today and recognized you right away!! Way to ROCK it!!!!!!
I have a little piece in to but nothing compared to your huge spread, but nun the less I am thrilled as well. My first time in this magazine.
Your work is beautiful, Riki! And a big Congrats on your article!
Thank you for visiting my blog. I will definitely come back for a visit.
Pues es maravilloso.
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