There is a lot to post about today, so bear with me!
First of all, we have a winner for the necklace giveaway. I can't believe the wonderful response that was shown and totally appreciate all of your warm comments. It made me feel so very special, what a fabulous anniversary celebration for my blog of one year! And so cool to hear from so many new ladies!
Congratulations Julie!!! Please email me your address and I'll get the little bee necklace off to you asap.
Next, I received a very special package in the mail yesterday. My heart started pumping very fast when I realized it was from FRANCE! I have a passion for France, and anything French! I received the most darling little tiny book from my blogging friend Esther. And along with that gift, she sent the most amazing collection of French papers, from books, and a darling collage piece. WOW! I am blown away. THANK YOU ESTHER. I can't tell you how you brightened my day, my week!! Your heart is as big as your beautiful country. I needed something to bring a smile to me, with my little Chester being sick, and this was the perfect medicine.

This little book Esther made has a leather cover, and little pages inside. Isn't it adorable?

And last, but not least by any means!! My friend Diana Frey and I taught a fun workshop this weekend. It was a two day class, packed with lessons in etching, PMC and cold connections. I tried to include pictures of everyone, but a few escaped the camera!! The class was called A Charming Romance, and we filled it with 12 students. We taught how to make charms from cold molds, joining metals and assemblage.
We had soooo much fun with the best group of ladies. Whew, everyone was tuckered out at the end of two days, but look at the smiles on everyone's faces.

Thanks to Polly, Libby, Kat, Tanya, Lesa, Susan, Stephanie (missing photo), Karen, Kathy, Lynn, Terry and Teresa (missing photo).

Thanks for coming to the class ladies, we loved it!
We'll be repeating the class in April, and the class has a few seats left if you would like to take part. Just contact Diana, and we'll get you signed up.
Whew, that's it for now. I'm busy organizing and packing for Adorn Me coming up. I leave for Houston March 1!
Take care. See you soon!
Oh la la...what a sweet gift from Esther! I know how thrilled you must be. I so enjoyed teaching with you yet again, my friend, and look forward to our week together at Adorn Me!
Ta Ta
Congrats to Julie...she is one LUCKY lady! And receiving a package from Esther is like Christmas morning...such a treat, she is a generous soul. Her little journals are amazing.
Your class sounded like so much fun!! Wish I could attend...maybe one day. :-)
wow!! congrats to Julie!! it's the perfect necklace for her!! she loves nature and i'm sure this little bee will be apreciate a lot!!
You are welcome for the mini journal! i have your earrings .. so it's a normal exchange!
Super classes!! lot of fun!!
That is a beautiful gift from France!! I love it; especially the tiny book! So sweet! And congrats to Julie...woohoo!
And guess what...I signed up to take your class in CA on May 1st!! I am so excited!!
Looking forward to meeting you in person
Congrats to JUlie!
Congrats to Julie, the necklace is so beautiful and elegant. You do such a lovely work Riki.
Happy to see you have one of Esther's so cute little books, they are "delices" from France and from a wonderful friend.
Riki, please give Chester a cuddle from me. All my thoughts are for him.
I saw the little book and new it had to be from Esther!!How wonderful!!Congrats to julie on the giveaway!!& Your class looked wonderful!!Warmest Regards,Cat
Hi jealous I can't participate in one of your classes, a bit to far for me to travel from down under! Congrats to do have the luck spinning your way, you deserve it! And the lovely Esther, she is so kind and supportive....I'm off to check out those book a wee bit more!
Congrat's to Julie!!!
Rikki, your class looks awesome, and you and Diane,what a super team!! Thanks for sharing!!
Congratulations, Julie!!
Oh, you girls look so beautiful together! I would have loved to be there with you =)
The little book from Esther looks so darling...I actually ordered one myself =)
Hugs and much love flowing to you (from me) and your little Chester....
Take care of yourself my friend!
congrats to Julie.......still wish it had been me :o)
You asked if my dog was a she is half silky terrier and half beagle. You can see her long beagle ears flying in the picture as she zips across the yard on her stubby little legs. Maggie also has the Beagle voice.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Goodness Riki,
You have been a very busy girl!! Oh and how I wish I was a little bird at the window during one of your classes!!! Any one would be wonderful most especially the etched and hinged cuff!!
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.
thanks for stopping by my blog and wishing me well. those migraines are killer! :(
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