The Charm Bracelet Workshop....
and the QUIET storm!

You wouldn't believe it! All these wonderful ladies (and I mean wonderful), scheduled to come to this charm bracelet class in SUNNY central coast California months ago. We were having beautiful weather, some shower breaks here and there in the last couple of days. THEN....the quite storm hits on the second day of our two day class! I'm talking GALE winds, HAIL flying by outside...during the workshop. The power went out not once, but THREE times. OMG! Is this not the worst thing that can happen to these nice people who came from near and far and paid good money for a workshop?! Preferably with electricity. Yikes.
We made it through somehow, I was ready to break out the wine. But they stayed on course, the lights came back on, we managed to do a last minute firing for some charms, and then...whammmoo, it goes out again. We finally wrapped up the day, WH lit the candles, and we broke out the wine, singing Kum By Ya in the garage classroom, waiting for the thunderstorms to stop so they could at least get to their cars! Whew.
Diana Frey and I were just sure the weather would be better in April than the sketchy weather we had for the February workshop. Wrong.
But no worries, all is well. The ladies learned, we played, we created, we ate, we laughed (oh did we laugh) and we toasted to new friendships. Isn't that what all this about anyway. Who cares about the weather! They all have beautiful etched metals and fabulous pmc charms to add to their collection of talented work.
Thank you to all of you who attended the Quiet Storm Retreat at Riki's house this weekend, Kim, Diana, Gwennie, Marlene, Shelley, Carrie, Connie and Lisa. We appreciate your good sense of humor, patience and understanding of our Central Coast weather systems! Please come back when the weather is spectacular, umm, like today. Oh brother. Isn't life fun?!!
And thank you Diana for another wonderful workshop. We are a great team, I had a ball, and look forward to our fall workshop together, whatever we decide to teach!