Finally, moving on
Where can I begin to thank so many of you for leaving such amazing and comforting messages for me regarding the loss of my sweet Chester? I felt the love, believe me. I had a little tear, after reading each comment.
I have tried to thank each and every one of you, and if I missed you, please know the kind words were an amazing comfort to me. I'm coming up for air. Still shedding a few tears each day, but I know that will go on for a long time! After all, we were together 24/7! So many of you have mentioned your "workshop" pals, and you fear the loss of them one day. Just give them extra kisses from me, every single day, okay?
So, what's been going on in the last two weeks? I just haven't felt like sitting down and writing until now. But with wonderful friends that have been visiting, it has helped get me out and have some great fun. My friend Shelley from Montana visited for a week or so. What a joy it was in having her here. We went to Europe together two years ago, with Susan Lenart Kazmer. THAT was a blast. She was a great comfort during the awful trauma going on here with Chester. There must have been a reason she was here then!
And now Caitlin is here, a neighbor on the island (our WA home in the summer). I've known her since she was about 8 and is just graduating from college. She's spent the last four years at Annapolis. I'm so proud of her. So I bought this fun pin at the antique show in Alameda, CA weeks ago. Thought it might look good on a little etched box, and it does! She loves it.

And of course I had to make a little bag to hug it.
I put a photo transfer picture of her on it, that is in sepia. Thanks again to Diane Cook and Colette Copeland for their inspiration on designing showcases for jewelry, published in Belle Armoire Jewelry, Winter 2010 issue. I loved what they did with felt, ribbons, and pictures. I've spent a small fortune gathering vintage laces and materials to make some for my specialty pieces.
I was reminded about not mentioning which sewing machine I bought, after seeking everyone's advice. Ended up with an electronic White D'Lite machine. I love it, lightweight, electronic, and has the floating foot dealy ma jig thingy. That's a technical term in sewing!

Anyone ever been to the Heart Castle in San Simeon, CA? If you can visit it, well worth while. We love taking visitors the 40 minutes from our house, up to a huge paradise on the hilltop in San Simeon. Built by William Randolph Hearst in the 30's, he spent about 11 million on it. Can't imagine what that would translate to in todays dollars!

Isn't she beautiful? When she started beading for me at about 11, I always said she was 11 going on 25! So now she's 21, and we went wine tasting together with WH, how fun was that?

This is the indoor pool at the castle. If you think that's amazing, the tiles that line the pool are covered with gold leaf! Ooooooh, so decadent! Would love to swim in this indoor pool. Just like the movie stars did in the 30's. Clark Gable, Errol Flynn, Carol get the idea.

This is a picture of Mr. Hearst's private library. Just amazing. He collected ancient art works from around the world. Spent about 26 years building and decorating this amazing place. His mother was a school teacher, had William at about 21, and took him on a year long European tour when we was a young boy. Inherited a silver fortune from his father, then made his own fortune in newspapers. Patty Hearst is his grand daughter. You remember her??
He knew how to enjoy LIFE.