When it rain it pours, right? Oh boy, my biggest show of the year. The one where I can make enough money to use for those fabulous trips to Europe every now and then, and buy some fun stuff than might not otherwise be in a retiree's budget. Ah yes, summer in Washington state. It has been GORGEOUS for weeks. Truly summer. Then, time for the big summer arts festival and it is January in August!!! It poured cats and dogs (even Maddie agreed) all day on Saturday, the normally biggest day for crowds and sales. I mean poured, from 10 am to 5pm. Then stopped and was beautiful on Sunday, after the big crowds!!
So what are you gonna do?

I say, remember what's important.
Remember that I got in to a wonderful, juried show, and that a ton of my loyal customers returned and bought some pieces to add to their collection. Remember that the people that stopped by in pouring rain had to be miserably cold and wet. "Why were they there" I kept wondering. Would I have been? Hmmmm???
So thank you to all those who weathered the storm, stopped by to say hi and see my new precious Maddie. She was a show stopper by far. It was so much fun to have her light hearted, playful self, and kisses filled with sweet doggie breath. She loved meeting everyone, and wasn't stingy with the kisses.
Maddie helps to remind me that there is always a rainbow after a storm.
And to enjoy the rain, I never get that moment again. Just smile warmly, love the friends that were there to support me in the miserable weather, and don't fight mother nature. You can't win. Great lessons from a 2 1/2 pound doggie. That's why I love her. She did great in the hotel. Man, I forgot what its like to have a baby that can't go out to go potty, since they haven't had all the vaccines. Yikes! We had the floor covered in pee pads, like a quilt, moving quickly with her little body to line the bombs up! Whew, then do a show on top of that. No wonder I forgot my credit card machine!!
Thank you to all for your support. I'm ready for my next adventure, doing Stephanie Lee's on line Homesteader's Metal class. Can't wait to play with Maddie, and make new things! New pictures coming soon of the "Mad" dog Maddie, she changes everyday so much.