I finished my first box!
Or kind of have. I just completed my second on-line course with Stephanie Lee, who is a genius a fabulous teacher, and incredibly talented I must say! The last week of the course was about how to build a box from scratch, using sheet metal and solder.
I LOVE boxes, always have. Don't know if that is a huge flaw in my personality, or just a fetish! But none the less, love them. Sooooo, after making many etched, pre-made boxes, and adding some fun decor, I finally got to try my skills at hand building one.
I'm hooked! It is too much fun. You have to be incredibly precise, and strong! And of course I couldn't start out small, like Stephanie suggested. This one is 5" x 3", made from sheet copper. I had a ton of copper, and its less expensive than nickel or brass. And I was too excited to etch first, which would be beautiful, so I just hammered the heck out of the sides. Turned out pretty cool.

Making the lid fit was a brain teaser. This is where precision in everything come in to play. And I wasn't, so it took me way longer than it should have. But I learned a lot!
I plan to adorn it with some fun things on top, then it will shine. Bling you ask??
Of course!

So there you have it. That is my big accomplishment for the weekend. I'm so proud, feel like a created a little baby! Glad it didn't take as long!
AND, some housekeeping. There are some wonderful giveaways posted on my side bar, please go look. And don't forget about my sale in my
Etsy shop, everything is still
20% off, and it flying out!!
Just enter the code DECEMBERSALE20.
So if you have your little eye on something that fancies you, grab it! Or let Santa know right away!
Happy creating everyone.