Just a taste of what I will be teaching this summer, on line, at the website Artful Gathering. Go HERE for the link to the website, that is up now, open for registration only at this time.
There is a $5 registration fee that will eventually unlock more information about all the classes and info. This is a steal, compared to most $50 registration fees you will pay at retreats!
This has been a highly successful way for students to learn. When you go to the site, you will see the amazing line up of qualified and talented instructors lined up to teach in the next session.
I am teaching both sessions, but the second session hasn't been released yet.
In the first session, I will be instructing you on how to make a mixed media frame from scratch!! I am so excited about this. This is an opportunity for me to reach those of you too far away to take a class with me in person. I wish I could be on the East coast with this class, but this is a way to do it! Take the class in your jammies, whenever you feel like it! I will be available for six weeks during the class, to help, answer questions, and instruct. Take the class at your own pace.
This class is titled Romantic Relic Frames. We will be cutting-bending-forming sheet metal, attaching all kinds of found objects, and soldering with a butane torch. Fun, fun, fun.
I will walk you through each and every step, so all are welcome.
So go take a look!! I will be available for the entire six weeks, to answer questions and help in any way I can, being right there with you every step of the way, all on line!
I'm so excited about this opportunity. And released soon will be information for my second session class and details.
Thanks, and a big hug.
Hoping to see you in my classroom.