Beautiful week in the San Juan Islands, WA
My dear friend, Diana Frey, was up at the island for a week. We had too much fun! We made jewelry, ate, drank, laughed, and oh yes, went for long walks. Here are just a few of the many wonders, within walking distance from our cabin, that I got to show off to her.

The blackberries are bursting, waiting to be eaten by the many deer. I snatched a few today on my walk in our brilliant green surroundings.

There are fields of these things, I don't think are thistles. A friend called them something else, I don't remember, but they are amazing, standing so tall, guarding their little pond.

And you have to watch out for all the woodland creatures. They sneak up on you when you're not paying attention! Soooo dangerous! Ok, that's Chester, my four legged baby. Isn't it amazing how he poses. I just ask him to pose, and voila! What a good boy.

We even have furniture in our woods. I'd like to say we built this beautiful bench, but the folks who play frisbee golf built it. It is really comfortable, wouldn't think so.

And, oh yes, we taught a jewelry workshop, and had a ball. It was a small and productive class. That's Julie and Janet with me on top, and seated are Claudia and Diana. Barbara missed the group shot, she had to catch a ferry! They loved having a small class, and they made beautiful creations with their Feathered Friends inspired workshop!
So I'm getting ready to pack it up and head south to CA for the winter. It's getting pretty cold here, but I'll miss my beloved woods and the deep green forest. I have sunshine and coastlines to look forward to. Isn't life wonderful!
Wonderful pictures! And Chester does so well in front of the camera.
Ahhh, what wonderful pictures! I can't wait to come visit one day soon =) Chester looks like he has had just a few pictures taken in his lifetime~LOL.
And, the class picture made me wish I had been there with my buddies.
Have a safe trip south my friend =)
wonderful photos!
how fun to get together with friends and create jewelry!
Hi Riki,
Thanks for your comment. I'm still here in Cali; won't be leaving for TN until next summer. Alas, Agoura Hills is a bit far for me.
Have a great day!
You definitely have the best of both worlds; the islands of the sound in Washington and the California Coast. How Wonderful! You're coming back to beautiful weather. The heat is gone and Fall has come to lift our spirits.
Wish Lisa and I could have been a part of this workshop..., maybe next year.
What a good dog Chester is, posing like that.
Lovely photos....
looks so inviting....especially today....snow on the ground and more coming. I'm sure the class was too fun!! miss ya....luv ya shell
Oh Riki, I wish I could have come to that class. And your woods look like heaven to me. Enjoy those last days there. But, being in CA with Diana is great too. Lucky you!
Hopefully one day I will be able to take a class from you and walk through that delightful forest for inspiration! Have fun in California, beautiful land of my birth!
Oh how I wish I was there with you all maybe one day I might be lucky enough to
What wonderful photos!! And Chester is a sweet dear one!! So handsome.
Fall is here too and heralding the coming of winter. I am not too sure about that but here I am! LOL!!
Chester is so cute....maybe he and my Lola can hook up?! lol...
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