I am back from the most amazing experience of teaching at my first national retreat. It was so much fun. I taught two classes, an etched hinged cuff, and how to weave with sterling wire. This first post is the summary of the students and their amazing projects. Then later, after I regain my energy, I'll post about the "social" aspect of the trip, and pics of the classes I took. I'm still recuperating! Diana Frey and I got back to San Luis Obispo about 12:30 in the morning on Monday, after delayed flights, airplane malfunctions, etc. We are beat...but it was all worth it!
This first picture is a finished piece from Mirta, posing with my bull. Okay, why the bull? Well, when Diane Cook came to visit us in California, she brought Diana Frey and me each a darling bull. Since I was going back to Texas, I had to take the bull for a visit. He got lots of names suggested for him, but I haven't decided. For now, let's just call him Beavo. That's what Diane Cook called him! I tried to include him in all shots, but he only made it into a few. What stories he could tell!

And look at this class of mine, minus Dale and Gena. What a bunch of hams we were! They looked gorgeous in their fabulous finished projects. There's Mirta, Brigitte, Julie, me and the lovely Carol. Yep, we had too much fun!! Great job ladies, you worked hard, and it paid off.

This is the second class I taught, the woven pendant. Dale (again, thanks Dale), Bonnie and Joanne pounded their little buns off making not just one project, but two. Bonnie made three! With so few students, we had time for me to show them how to make rings as well.

These are Joanne's finished pieces. Great job Joanne!
Love the way she manipulated the wire for these. She used really heavy wire combining it with thin. And Bonnie used a textured hammer to give her pendant a different look. All of you did amazing work!

We all had too much fun. I met lots of new people, as well fabulous and talented instructors, and have to say what an amazing job Linda and Chuck did to coordinate this event. All the students were thrilled, it went off without a hitch. The vendor night, on Friday, was a huge success, with ladies stacked ten deep to get in and see what the instructors brought to sell and show off. I'm happy to say I sold a ton, including all the little boxes I made before going, and the big French shoe clip choker with the woven sides. (Boo hoo). I'll just have to make another.
More later! Don't you think the students did an awesome job???
The photos are amazing! Love the one of the ladies posing with their cuffs. The pendants and rings are fabulous! Did you teach this class?
Riki,I am soooooooooooo very glad that I got to meet you at last. I felt like we were friends before but, after spending the week I know that you are indeed as precious as I thought you would be. YOU ARE A DOLL & I am just sick that I couldn't stay & take your two classes. Especailly the cuff HUGS!
just awesome!! the photos are great and congrats on your sales!
You must be a great teacher since your students works turned out so wonderful! Those woven sterling pieces are favorite! Great to hear you had such a fantastic time!
Ahhhh Little Art Sister,
You certainly look like to you took the national teaching venues "by the horns" ;) How does it feel have successfully mastered yet another huge step??? My guess is that gorgeous smile you are sporting in the pictures is the reward of many wonderful memories made along with the art!
Rest up little sister you surely earned it!!
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.
PS I'm glad to see my prediction about the "boxes" was dead on!! :)
Wonderful pictures Riki! And the works are amazing! I have to say I am heart broken. Our class was canceled and now I don't get to work with you. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Are you teaching anywhere else this year??? In PMC??? Let me know!!
yessssssssssssssssssss!! awesome job and lot of fun!!
Oh, Bevo was a hoot Riki! Thanks for bringing him back home to visit~LOL!
Great pics.....what FUN!! I know your students enjoyed your classes, and it looks like they did GREAT! How could they not with such a GREAT teacher???
Next year will only be better (if that is possible)!!
Miss you~~
Oh you lucky, lucky day soon I hope will I be able to join you and learn some new techniques...
Great stuff - even Beavo! It was awesome meeting you, Riki - and I need to come up and learn how to make your amazing etched and hinged bracelets! Hope we get to see each other again before next year!
Laurel Steven
Can't wait to see the rest of your Adorn Me posts...looks and sounds like a lot of fun was had!
It looks like you all had a blast, Would have loved to get in on this one!
Wow, your students did an awesome job! But then they had an awesome instructor!!!!!!
Sounds like everyone had a lot of fun.
Looks like everyone had so much fun! I roomed with Julie and got a good look at her awesome bracelet she made in your class. Fantastic!
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