New friends "adorn me"!
It's not everyday you get to take a classes from idols!
I got to at Adorn Me.
Not only did I get to teach at Adorn Me, I got to attend classes from some folks I've heard about for over 10 years. This was a double good whammy for me! I couldn't get all the pictures I want to post into one post, so there will be more than one.
The first picutres are from Keith's classes, who lives in Australia. This is Keith LoBue, grinding my hammer head to make it a better riveting tool. I took an evening class, "Getting Attached", where he showed us some variations on riveting. Great to know new and other's technique.
In preparing the hammer, he used a dremel tool with a grinding wheel attached. Just took the sharp edge off the flat hammer side of the ball peen, kind of a 45 degree angle. Then we polished my hammers by hand, using different grades of sandpaper. Made my hammers just sparkle, and a cleaner rivet.

Another day, I took a "Papering Over It" class from Keith, with Diane Cook. Guess you see Beavo made it into the photo! That was really fun, using rebar wire, annealed steel, and bending it to different shapes. Then using some glue and varnish, to attach tissue papers, or light papers to it, forming a kind of skin. Makes wonderful sculpture, and fabulous additions to pieces, giving a 3-D dimension. To see what Keith does with this, just visit his website.
True eye candy! And he is as amazingly nice as he is talented.

This is a quickie example I made in class. Formed a heart, then attached the glue mixture with a paintbrush, and let it dry. This is a fun alternative to resin in some applications. LOVE the possibilities.

Dinner one evening, with my new friends Charlene, and Melissa Manley. And of course the lovely Diana Frey, whom you already know. Diane Cook was there too. We went for Mexican Food, Texas style...delicious!!
I took a wonderful class from the lovely and multi-talented Melissa, learning how to enamel beads, called "Hard Candy". We domed metal circles then torch fired enamel on them, lovely!! She is just the nicest lady, you guys would love her. I would take another class in a minute. Now I call her friend!

Okay, took me all day to make two beads, but I love them! Just can't get enough of those teal colors! Did I tell you I had teal put in my hair before I went to Texas? Oh those California girls!! Diana had raspberry added and me teal, too funny! Painted my toenails teal as well. Hey, a girl has to have fun, right?

More to come!
absolutely! we love color in hair at our house!!
Very cool! No wonder that sepia lady is bug-eyed. That's something I would like to learn to do. I already have enamels for my beads so maybe I should just dive in!
Love the teal in your hair! And those beads are wonderful!!
You're having way too much fun here. All those SMILES. I love the "paper over it" technique. This does have all kinds of possibilities. Love the heart you made.
Ahha....the heart has been posted =)
Keith is such a doll, and now I am a lifetime fan. I am so happy we were able to enjoy a couple of his classes together.
And, the Mexican food on Thursday night~wowzaaaa! Delicious! I am glad we were able to go on that little venture! It was definitely worth it!
Awesome Riki! How did I miss those cool beads earlier! duh! They are wonderful!
hello, i'm glad i found your blog. i enjoyed my visit.
I love your beads! And your teal hair!
Thank you for sharing your time at Adorn Me. I was not able to go but wanted to. This was nice reading.
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