Secret Santa Exchange
I see many of you are, or were, involved with a charm, or jewelry exchange this season. They are so much fun. I was asked about a month ago to take part in one, and have since met some new blogging art buddies. I finished my piece, and had so much fun making it, I had to share some teasers with you. The lady receiving this doesn't know I have her name, that's the "secret" part of it. This gets shipped on Monday to my Secret new friend.
Can you tell what it is? If you think you have an idea, leave a comment. I am going to have my own little contest!!
I have a new pair of hand made earrings for the lucky winner. I'm not posting them, because I want to give the winner her choice from three pair. I'll pick different styles, she gets to pick the ones she wants.

So the first person that guesses what my little gift is to my secret receiver gets to pick one of my new little creations as a prize!! So spread the word! Let everyone know. I would LOVE for you to win!
There is no time limit, and if two people guess right, they both get a pair of earrings!!
How fun is that?

Merry Christmas everyone. May you find joy, peace and happiness this fine holiday season.
This month is my one year anniversary for my blog, I can't believe it. So, in honor of my surviving all of the challenges with that, and with your love and support, I am going to have a contest in January. Get ready, the gift will be a handmade necklace!!! I'm working on some designs currently. I want to get you all lathered up for something nice, something you would be proud to wear. Maybe even to one of my classes (hint, hint) that I am teaching in 2010!! Ha ha. I'm teaching at my first national retreat in Houston (isn't self promotion wonderful?). So for all of you who say California is too far away, there ya go! Please have a wonderful holiday.
Stay tuned for the winner of this little guessing contest!!
Whatever it is, Riki, it is lovely and the recipient will surely be squealing with delight. I think it is either....the top of a jewel encrusted out on the town purse...or the white part of Mrs. Claus' blingy Santa hat (with rhinestones instead of fur!)
Congrats on the anniversary!
Enjoy the day!
beautifulllllll!! i'm sure is not for me... maybe Deryn Mentok...
super exchange!! and happy birthday to your blog!! have great christmas time!!
Could it be a...barette? No matter what it is, it's very beautiful and especially sparkly!
Hmmm... I would guess a brooch or a bracelet...I think I will go with some sort of bracelet! I can't wait to see it in its entirety! Thanks for the fun game :)
Hi Riki....can't wait to see which exchange this is part of (and I'm hoping it's the one through Molly!) :-) When I saw the picture I immediately thought of a crown...a pretty,sparkly tiara!! :-)
Congrats on the ONE year anniversary - you have come a long way, just look at this gorgeous blog!
I think it is a brooch too! It would look beautiful on my black cape!!! Excited about your drawing in January!!
Hugs and Merry Christmas!
Congratulations, my friend, on your stunning blog! It's always such a visual feast coming to visit. The students signing up for your classes are so very fortunate to learn from such a talented artist. You are an inspiration, Riki.
Oh oh Riki, funny challenge to find the treasure. But if i say that we have to put the piece upside down, and discover the basement of a piece of metal. One of your lovely pendant ? Am i right ? Never mind... it will be lovely.
Congrats for your blog anniversary, hope you continue to share with us all of your beauties.
With love,
Riki what a great challenge! Is it a comb for your hair? Can't wait to see it in it's entirety.
Congrats on reaching your one year on your blog!
Hi Ladies, no one has guessed the right thing yet! C'mon now, what could this be? Try again!! Riki
I am intrigued...I will try again! Is it a Christmas ornament?? Congrats on your blog anniversary as well!
Nope Lisa, not a Christmas ornament! Great guess! Please try again!
Hi Riki
The rhinestones are not symmetric in the middle..., hummm.., something that wouldn't be the same might be a clasp?.., on a little purse?
I'm guessing a cuff bracelet. Hm, that's a tricky one. Can't wait for your contest in January, Riki.
Nope, nobody has guessed the right thing yet! C'mon ladies, I want to give away some earrings!! Riki
One year just seems to ZIP by doesn't it????? I had my one year in September & can't believe how fast it's gone. I am guessing that they bling is added to the top of a charm or piece for a necklace.????????????? Whatever it is it is a beauty! Hugs! Charlene
Hi Riki - I am going to guess that it is a tiny book. I love the blue and rhinestone combination and can't wait to see the finished piece - I am sure it is amazing and that I will love it. xo Julie
So pretty, your Secret Santa will Love it! Is it a choker? Love the bling whatever it is Its Beautiful!
¿Es un liguero?, Cinta elástica que se pone en el muslo femenino. No sé como se dice en castellano, ja, ja ...
No sé como se dice en inglés.
Can anyone read Spanish and tell me what Nini said? Thanks! Riki
Nini responded and asked if the pictures were of a garter, so something on a rubber band type thing. Nope, sorry Nini! Thanks for trying. Guess again everyone! Riki
A jewel encrusted collar!
Im sayings its a Necklace not matter what its sensational Riki
gosh so many guesses and no one has gotten it right? I've got to guess again, has anyone said a belt?
Hi Lynn, nope, no one has said a belt. But sorry, that's not it either!! I really threw everyone on this one. I'm having way too much fun! He he. And Jen, not a necklace, or Beth, and encrusted collar. Great guesses!
Someone has to win some earrings, c'mon!! Riki
A headband or scarf?
LOl riki!! wht stupid frenchie!! i did not understand.. i thought we have to gess for "who" did you make this stunting memory frame, pfffffffff!! sorry!!
OK Riki - I'll wager a guess: is it the top of a lipstick or glasses case?
Congratulations on your 1-year blog anniversary! Your blog is wonderful and your artwork is showcased so beautifully on it.
:-) Molly
YEAH!!!! We have a winner!! Esther, you are so good. Yes, it is a FRAME! Congratulations. So how did you guess that is was a frame? No, you're right, it was not for who, but for what! Just a little language barrier! Please email me your address and I'll post some earrings for you to choose a pair of earrings from.
Thank you everyone for your guesses. Hope I didn't mislead you! It wasn't a piece of jewelry, hee hee!! My Mystery Santa recipient will be pleased I hope! As soon as she gets it, I'll post the entire assemblage. Take care everyone, Merry Christmas!!
Congrats to Esther!!! I can't wait to see the entire piece, Riki...sure looks beautiful!
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